The big day - March 20, 2002. We pushed and pulled the car out of
the shop and onto the driveway. A group of co-horts who have helped
out through various stages of the build came over to witness and kabitz.
Gas, coolant, oil, were all added. The engine was pre-oiled with a
drill and oil pump attachment. Ear plugs were put in and with a little
bit of coaxing (and plenty of choke) she fired up! A couple minor leaks
in the coolant arena were dealt with, but no other leaks seen in the couple
of days since. The only problem that remains is the alternator. I used
a one-wire alternator and we can't seem to get it to kick in - I haven't taken
the RPMs to much over 2000 yet, so I don't know if that's the problem or not.
We did take it out and to NAPA, who claimed it was bad - a bad voltage regulator.
However, replacing that still doesn't seem to do the trick - although now we're
questioning if they gave us a 1-wire or 3-wire regulator (the alternator passed
NAPA's test when wired as a three-wire). Don't know the answer to this one yet.......
OK, yes I do - the issue was not spinning the one-wire alternator fast enough
to actuate the field coils. As I'm more comfortable with them the car has
been re-wired with a three-wire alternator.