Downloading and Installing the Financial Calculator Program
The Financial calculator is distributed as a zip file or as a self extracting zip.
Note: I have migrated to Windows XP Pro, hence can no longer guarantee updates will work on
older Windows platforms. There is nothing I know of that indicates that upgrades developed on
W-XP won't work on W95/98, but
I can no longer test upgrades on these older platforms. As such, I will keep a "legacy" copy
of V2.2 that was built and tested on W95 available for download.
- To install the zip file:
- click on the .zip dowload link (
for W95 platforms) and save the file on your computer.
Since the next steps will extract a number of files from the zip package, and
after installation you will be able to remove these temporary files, it is
recommended that you create a temporary directory to store the zip file in.
- Using WinZip, or some similar
package, extract all the files into the temporary directory
- To use the self extracting zip:
- click on the .exe download link (
for W95 platforms) and save the file on your computer
to a temporary directory.
- Using "Start" - "Run" from the Windows Start menu, browse to the temporary
directory and select "financial_xp_v2.3.exe" ("finance_v2.2.exe" for W95). This will automatically create and expand all the files
into the temporary directory "C:\usr\install\temp\finance".
- Using "Start" - "Run" from the Windows menu bar, browse to the temporary
directory and select "setup.exe" (or using Windows Explorer, double click on
the "setup.exe" filename).
- The setup wizard will guide you through your installation. It is
recommended that you accept the default locations suggested by the wizard, only
because all combinations of other settings have not been verified.
- "Financial Calculator" will now appear in your Start-menu.
- Give it a spin.
- You may now remove your zip file and all the temporary files created in
step 2 above.
- Occasionally during installation Windows reports an error that reads:
An access violation occurred while copying the file"
This means that you already have the file on your system and it is currently in
use by another application (perhaps the installation program itself). If you get this, simply
click "Ignore" and the installation should continue and complete successfully.

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