John Hazen received from his father, by deed of gift, dated June28,1710 a parcel of land in Boxford, which he sold to his brother, Thomas, for £135. He then went to Norwich, Conn. where his first recorded deed, dated Nov. 26,1711, states that "John Hazen of Norwich" for £300 bought of Joseph Tisdale of Taunton 200 acres on Pautipaug Hill in Norwich (now Franklin), which the latter had purchased of Thomas and Jonathan Tracy in 1703, with 150 Acres of upland on Pautipaug Hill and about 5 acres of meadow. It thus appears that John was the pioneer of the family in Norwich, and that his father, brothers, and cousins followed later. The records show that he was actively engaged in buying and selling land there for the next 20 years.
In October 1724, Mr. John Hazen was appointed "Quartermaster of the Troop in the County of New London." In May 1732, he was one of the incorporators of the "New London Society united for Trade and Commerce." By his last deed in Norwich, dated March 15,1732, he sold a house, barn and 200 acres to James Beckwith for £1500, and on the same date, purchased 80 acres on the Black Hall River and other lands amounting to 26 acres in Lyme, from James Beckwith for £1440. He continued buying and selling numerous pieces of land and buildings in north and east parishes of Lyme until October 1740, after which his movements have not been traced. The baptisms of most of his children are found on the records of the First Church of Norwich, in which he seems to have continued even after the organization of the church at West Farms.
Eight children, by first wife, the first one born at Boxford, Mass. the other seven at Norwich, Conn.
Five children by second wife, the first three born at Norwich, last two at Lyme: |