Person Sheet

Name Lt. Thomas HAZEN
Birth 29 Jan 1657/8, Rowley, Mass.
Death 12 Apr 1735, Norwich, Connecticut
Father Edward HAZEN (1614-1683)
Mother Hannah GRANT (1631-1715)
Birth abt 1664, prob. Ipswich, Mass.
Death 24 Oct 1727, Norwich, Connecticut
Father Thomas HOWLETT
Mother Lydia PEABODY
Marriage 1 Jan 1683/4, Rowley, Mass.
Children Hannah (1684-)
Alice (1686-1740)
John (1688-1772)
Thomas (1690-)
Jacob (1691-)
Mary (Twin) (1694-)
Lydia (Twin) (1694-)
Hephzibah (1696-)
Ruth (1699-)
Jeremiah (1701-1721)
Edna (1704-)
Notes for Lt. Thomas HAZEN
His name is on the roll of Major Samuel Appleton's company which served in the Narraganset campaign in King Philip's War in 1675. he is on the list of divers persons who were "damnified" by the burning of Major Appleton's tent at Narraganset, whose losses the court voted to repay in September 1676. As a reward for his service he was made one of the grantees of Narraganset Township No. 4 (now Greenwich, Mass.), the grant being confirmed about 1738-40 (Bodge, SOLDIERS OF KING PHILIP'S WAR, pp. 154, 157,426.)
He was in possession of a farm in Rowley given him by his father at the death of the latter. Soon after his marriage he removed to Boxford, where he was made freeman on March 22,1689/90. He was admitted to full communion in the church at Topsfield on August 28,1687. He was dismissed from this church, where most of the baptisms of his children are recorded, to become a constituent member of the church in Boxford on October 4,1702.
The records of the town of Boxford contain many items which show his growing importance in the life of the community. "At a legal towne meting hild in Boxford the ____ day of March 1687, Thomas Radington Thomas hazan Josaph Andrus be Chosen Survaiers." On "2 July 87 the Selact men of this Towne of Boxford have leat the parsoneg medow to Thomas hazen and daniel wood this presant year for Six shillings to be payed in Coren to the Cunstabul for the Ves of the Towen." On May 21,1688, "the Town choes 6 men for Selact men for ye year in sewing by a voat" of whom Thomas hazen was forth. On June 24,1689 "Corporall Thomas hazen" was second of the "Selact men" also on March 8,1691/2 and March 13,1693/4, "Corporel Thomas hazen's" name is first among the five "seact men."
On Jan. 29,1694/5, "the Town Choes 5 men to be a commety to carey on the worck of bulding the meting hous in the Town of Boxford a Cording to thair beast discrasion," of whom Thomas hazen was one. In Feb. 1696/7, Thomas "hazen" was chosen one of the "fenc vewars for the yer insewing." "At a Lawful town meeting hild in Boxford the Eaith of Septem 1698 the Town Choes Thomas hassen moderator." On Jan. 3,1698/9, "The Town Choes Sargent hazen moderator for the day"; also "Sargent Thomas heazen" was one of the "5 men Chosen for our Commety to carey on the meting hows." On March 12,1699/1700. "first the Town Choes E(n)sien hazen moderator for the day."
On Jan. 16,1700/1, Samuel English, an Indian, for the sum of nine pounds, gave a deed for the 12000 acres constituting the township of Boxford to a committee of five men appointed by the town, of whom Ensign Thomas hazen was one. On Jan. 20,1700/1 "the town has voted to Choes 5 men to settle our inhabetanc of the Town in seating our inhabitanc in our meting house a Cording to thair Sivel wrights having Regard Chefiy to Esteats yet soe as to have Respacts to ould age : the men Chosen for this servis bee as foloweth Ensien hazen Sargent bixbee Corparal Radington John Andrus and Jonathan foster." On March 11,1700/1 "the Town Choes william foster and Ensien hazen tithing men for the year."
"At a Town meting hild in Boxford the 24 of november 1701 The Town Choes Ensien heazen moderator for the day." On March 10,1701/2 "Ensien hazen is Chosen town Trasurer for the year insewing . . . . also Ensien hazen is chos to saru on the Jury of trials this next Court to bee houlden at Ipswich." "At A law Full towen meting held in Boxford Dacember the 15: 1702 the tow(n) chos insin hazzan modarator for the day" (record of Joseph Bixby). On March 9,1702/3 "the Town Choes Ensien Thomas hazen moderator for the presant meting . . . . also the Towen have chosen 5 Selact men and thaier names be as followeth : John pebody Ensien Thomas hazen Jonathan foster Samuel Simons juenrand Timothy Dorman---also the Towen Choes Ensien Thomas hazen Towen treasurer for the yer."
On Feb. 22,1703/4 "Ensien thomas hazen" was chosen in place of Zerrubabal Endicot to whom the town of Topsfield made objection to serve on a committee to settle the bounds between the towns. On March 13,1704/5 "The Towen Choes Insien hazzen moderator for the presant meting . . . . also voted by the towen that Ensien hazen shal be Towen trasurer for the year insuing." On Feb. 26,1705/6 "also Towen Choes Ensien hazzen Sargent bixbe and Zerobebabel Endicot to vew a pees of land that John wood desirad of the towen lying in the Eastwardly corner of the pasnig farm and to mack Retorn to the towen what they did Estem sd land to bee worth."
On March 12,1705/6 "also Ensien hazzen is Choes Selact man for the yer 1706 also assesar for 1706 . . . . also Insien hazen is chosen Touen Trasurer for the year in sewing . . . . also . . . . wee haue chosen leiut pebody Ensien hazzen and John Eames to bee a Commety to meet with Topsfiles commety . . . . a bout a deuiding lien between our towens." He was a selectman also in 1708, and
on March 1710/1 "The Town chos Leften. hazen for Town Clark" to succeed Capt. John Peabody, who had filled the office till that time.
Probably it was not untill the spring of the following year that he removed to Norwich, Connecticut, for his first deed there is dated March 17,1711/12 and reads "Thomas Hazzen of Boxford, Mass., yeoman," bought of JOnathan Hartshorn for £200, twenty acres "on the east side of the highway that leads to Pottapouge, with a dwelling house, abutting easterly on the land of Benjamin Armstrong." He was admitted an inhabitant in Norwich Dec. 21,1712. "Mr. Thomas Hazen member of ye church in Boxford" and his wife were received into the First Church of Norwich (date omitted in the church records); in 1716 he and his sons John and Thomas were among the petitioners for the formation of the West Farms Society to accommodate the portion of the town in which they lived and Jan. 4,1718, upon the organization of the Second Church of Norwich (now the Franklin Congregational Church, -ie c. 1945), Thomas Hazzen and Mrs.
Mary Hazzen were among the original members.
No record of the will of Thomas Hazen has been found, and probably he left none, for he gave each of his two older sons a farm soon after their marriage, and the following deed dated Feb. 5, 1717/18, provided for the rest of the children: "I Thomas . . . . for and in consideration of ye love goodwill and ffatherly affection which I have and do bare towards my well beloved son Jacob
Hazzen of ye same Norwich afores'd Together with ye Consideration of good and sufficient security by my s'd son Jacob given to me at ye signing and sealing of these presents for ye payment of Thirty pounds apiece to his seven sisters (that is to say) thirty pounds to each of them yt have had nothing, and to make up ye sum of Thirty pounds to each of them yt have had part thereof allready,
and also to take care , with myselfe, to pay my just Debts during my life, and after my death to discharge all my Just Debts, . . . . have nad do give . . . unto him my s'd son Jacob Hazzen all my farme of lands which I now live upon in ye Township of Norwich and was laid ou in four parcells, To say fourteen acres lying on ye East side of ye highway yt leads to pottapauge with ye dwelling house upon it . . . . with twenty three acres on ye west side of ye highway opposite . . . . with twenty acres on ye east side by ye house . . . . with four acres on ye hill called mount hope." This farm descended directly to Jacob's great-grandson, Col. Henry Hazen of Franklin. It was more recently owned (ie c. 1945) by a Driscoll family.
On a mound called the Old Indian Burying-ground in a field opposite the
house is a tombstone inscribed "HERE LYES Y_e_ BODY / OF MRS MARY HAZEN / LAT
WIFE TO LEUT / THOMAS HAZEN / WHO DIED OCTOR / Y_e_ 24 1727 AGED / 63 YEARS." It is said that her husband is also buried there, but no stone remains to mark his grave. It is said that some stones were taken from this place by an irresponsible Irishman for use as rabbit traps.
Eleven Children, the first one born at Rowley, the others at Boxford, Mass.:
Last Modified 8 Jul 1999 Created 14 Jul 1999 by Willi III (a Macintosh) & Reunion

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