Person Sheet

Name Hannah GRANT
Birth bapt. 16 Oct 1631, Cottingham, Yorkshire, England
Death Feb 1715/16, Haverhill, Mass.
Father Thomas GRANT
Mother Jane HABURNE
1 Edward HAZEN
Birth bapt. 14 Dec 1614, parish of Cadney, Lincolnshire, England
Death 22 Jul 1683, Rowley, Essex Co., Mass.
Father Thomas HASSEN
Mother Elizabeth --?--
Children Elizabeth (1651-)
Hannah (1653-<1683)
John (1655-)
Thomas (1658-1735)
Edward (1660-)
Isabel (1662-)
Priscilla (1663-)
Edna (1667-)
Richard (1669-)
Hephzibah (1671-1689)
Sarah (1673-)
2 Lt. George BROWNE
Birth bapt 29 Aug 1622, bapt. St. Edmunds, Salibury, Wiltshire, England
Death 31 Oct 1699, Haverhill, Mass.
Father George BROWNE
Mother Christian HIBBERT
Notes for Edward (Spouse 1)
The town of Rowley was settled under the leadership of Rev. Ezekiel Rogers, who arrived in Salem, Mass. in Dec. 1638, with about twenty families of his Yorkshire friends, "godly men, most of them of good estate." He labored, with great fidelity and eminent usefulness, for seventeen years in the parish of Rowley, in the southern part of Yorkshire, but at length was suspended, "for refusing to read that accursed book that allowed sports on God's holy Sabbath day, and , by it and other signs of the times , driven, with many of his hearers, into New England." The company spent the winter in Salem, some of them prospecting at New Haven, where they were importuned to settle. About April 1639, increased to about sixty families, they made a settlement between Ipswich and Newbury, which was incorporated Sept. 7,1639 under the name of Rowley. "These people, it appears, labored together and in common, for nearly five years from the time they commenced a settlement in this place; no man owning any land in severalty from the company, untill after they had, probably cleared up the lands on each side of the brook that runs through the central part of what is now the first parish in Rowley, and laid out the several streets as now improved." (Gege, Hist. of Rowley, p. 122.) On Jan. 10,1643 a survey of the town was made by Mr. Thomas Nelson, Mr. Edward Carleton, Humphery Reyner, and Francis Parrot, and the location and size of each house lot (consisting usually of an acre and a half) recorded; in this register the name of Edward Hazen does not appear. The remaining undivided land was called commons, and it was agreed that every 1_ acre house lot should have 1_ "gates" or cow rights in the common pastures.
In a later survey, undated, but probably made before 1647, is found the first mention of our common ancestor as a land owner, probably also the earliest record of the family in America:

Certaine Diuisions of Meadow Called Crane Meadow
To Edward Hassen three Acres of meadow lying on the South east side of John Smithes meadow the northeast end abutting vpon a pond the south west end vpon the vpland
To Leonard Harriman seauen Acres of meadow lying on the Southeast side of Edrward Hassens meadow pt of it bought of William Hobson and pt of John Harris the east end abutting vpon a brooke the west end vpon the vpland ______
Vplands laid out at the plaine Called the great plaine Imp to Edward Hassen foure Acres & an halfe of vpland at the plaine Called the great plaine lying next the south ffence by the Country way the east end abutting toward the fence the west end towards other
To John Smith 5 Acres of vpland lying on the north side of Edward Hassens land abutting as aforesaid
To Thomas Tenny two Acres & and halfe of land lying on the north side of John Smithes land abutting as aforesaid
To William Tenny two Acres of land lying on the north side of Thomas
Tennyes land abutting as aforesaid (Rowley Records, pp. 46-48)

In a list, apparently regarding cattle about 1648, is found "Edw Hasen 2";
August 1650, apparently a tax list for oxen, "Edward hasen* "; and a similar list slightly later, "Ed: hassen paid -----butter." "The names of those that has Calues & the number of them 1650: Ed Hasen --1 T Tenne --1 Ri Swan --2." (Ibid. pp. 53, 59 - 61.)

In accordance with an order made in the year 1650, the fences of the common fields of the town of Rowley divided according to the proportion of land held by individual proprietors, and a number was asigned to each mans portion; the comparative length of fence to be maintained by Edward Hazen and some of his neighbors who became ancestors of many Hazen descendants is of interest as indicating their relative holdings at this time: "the hundred and forty Rod of feild fence which they who have gats in the ox pastur are to make and mainetaine its thus numbered as followeth
VI frances Parrat six rale Length
VII Mr Shewell Twelue rale Length
VIII William Asee six rale Lengths
VIIII Mr Carlton six Rale Lengths
X Thomas Teney six rale Length
XI Thomas Crosbee six rale Length
XII John Smith six rale Length
XIII Richard Swane nine rale Length
XIIII Edward hasen three Rale Length
XV Mr Ezekiell Rogers nineteene rale Lengths
XVIII Mr Thomas Nellson Thirty one rale Length

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The fence between the ox pasture and the medow which is a two Rale fence at further sid of the ox pasture to y_e_ mill ward thos are the seuerall preportions as followeth euery ox gate Two rale lengths and euer aker of medow foure and a halfe ---

II frances Parrat foure rale Lengths ------
XVI Mr Ezekiell Rogers twelue rail Length
XVII Edward Hasen Two rale Length
XVIII John Smith foure rale Lengths
XVIIII John Pearson eighteene rale Lengths
XX Mr Edward Carlton Thirty rale Lengths
XXI Robert Swane foure rale Length & halfe and Richard Swane
seuenteene and half of length
XXII William Boynton nine rale Lengths
XXIII Will Teny and Thomas Teny nine Lengths"

There were others with small holdings, but Edward Hazen's proportion in comparison with those listed above was even less than appears, since their names are on another list from which his is absent. (Rowley Records, pp. 61-4.)
"At a generall and legall towne meeting held the same tyme (May 5,1659) It was granted that Richard Swan and John Lambert should view and lay out a certaine percell of land as they shall see cause vnto Edward Hazen Joyneing to his owne land in the Common feild nere Cowbridge." (Ibid. p.103.)
By Feb. 4,1661 Edward Hazen had attained a relatively high degree of prosperity, as shown in "A Survay of The Seuerall Gates or Commonages belonging unto The seuerall Inhabbitants of The Towne of Rowley as They are Now in possesion haueing Been Transfered and Sould from one To another since the Begining of Said Towne-----

To Edward Hassen his halfe two acre lot that he purchased of
John Smith two gates and one quarter 2 one quarter
purchased of John Tod one gate 1 Gate
purchased of the towne one and of Thomas Crosbie one 2 gates
purchased of Thomas Nelson one and one that he had of the
towne for land he laid downe---- 2 gates"

This total of seven and one quarter gates, or cattle rights, appears to have been surpassed only by Elizabeth Tenney alias Parratt and two or three others, and the average number was about three gates to a proprietor. (Ibid. p.120.)
Surveys in 1662: "To Edward Hassen as his first devission of land three acres and one hundred Rod be it more or less on the south side of Richard hollmes land the west end buting against William tenneys land the east end against the common. To Edward Hasen three acres and one hundred Rod lieing on the south side of Mark Prime's land." (Gage, Hist. of Rowley, pp. 143,4.)
In 1667 Hog Island marshes were laid out, and Edward Hazen received a share. On April 16,1688, "the town passed an order, directing the thown brook to be cleaned out, three feet wide and two feet deep, and so kept; Beginning at Jonathan Jackson's land on Bradford Street, and so through Jackin Reyner's land downward, till the brooks meet, and thence downward till the brook enters Satchwell's meadow; and from Edward Hazen's bridge in his swamp (Town's End bridge) downward to the other brook ----" (Ibid. p 144)
In the political life of the town also, the Rowley records show that Edward Hazen was a man of influence and importance.On Jan 3,1650, at a town meeting, Edward Hazen was chosen as one of four overseers, and was again chosen to this office Dec 19,1651 and Dec. 12,1654. He was also overseer for the years 1660, 1661 and 1662, and was selectman for the year 1669. These overseers were not the same as selectmen, but were always named after and in addition to the selectmen , or "prudentiall men," and in 1649 are described as "ouerseers for the execution of towne orders and Hy wayes." On Jan. 10,1669/70, Thomas Tene and Edward Hasne were chosen ouerseers for vuiin fences and hywayes and vuiin Chimneys." Among the "Towne Charges for the year past 1651: for John Smith for going to Court 0-4-6: alsoe for Edward Hasen the lyke work 0-3-6." "Town charges 1665 : Edward hasen a Day Jury Man." The Ipswich Court Records and Files show that Ed. Hassen served on Trial Jury July 30,1651 and also July 26,1654. On Jan. 9,1665/6, Edward Hazon was chosen one of four judges of delinquents "for not comeing to towne meetings"; Jan. 9,1666/7, "Edward hasen Judge for the yeare ensuing ." In a list of (of town charges?) 1662: "Ed hason 0-10-2." Towne charges 1667: "Edward Hazon for ueiwinge fences 0-3-0." In an undated record probably referring to King Philip's War and to Edward Hazen's sons: "Work done for Samuel person in Y_e_ war -- James Tenny 1 day: Thomas Hasen and Edward each a day."
(Early Records of the Town of Rowley (1894), pp. 70, 71, 173, 91, 106, 118, 132, 146, 159, 162, 165, 185, 200, 205, 224; Quarterly Courts of Essex County, 1: 232,362.)

In the following account of the settlement of Edward Hazen's estate is taken from the original papers (by Hazen (1947)), in two sheets, on file at Salem, and differ's somewhat from the clerk's book copy.

[page 1.]
An Inventory of the Estate of Edw. Hazzen of Rowley who Deceased 22 of July: 1683.
li s d
Impr. Apparrell & linnen -- 008-10-00
It: Mony -- 002-02-00
IT: 1 dwelling house barne & other building wth house Lott orchard &c: one Acre & half -- 050-00-00
It: two Acres of pasture Land & swamp Joyneing to the homestead: -- 006-00-00
It: 1 Acre & _ of planting Land westward of pasture and Swamp.-- 004-00-00
It: 7 acres of Land and upland Inclosed in the feild. Symons Feild.-- 014-00-00
It: 3 acres of upland in the comon feild Joyneing to the oxe pasture--009-00-00
It: 2 acres _ lying in the Comon feild on the East side of the
oxe pasture-- 008-00-00
It: 6 acres of salt marsh: Joyneing upon the Oxe pasture in the
comon feild-- 024-00-00
It: 3 acers of marsh called cow bridg marsh:-- 012-00-00
It: 1 acre of Rull marsh neer Newberry Gate.-- 003-00-00
It: 1 acer of Salt marsh at hog Island.-- 003-00-00
It: 3 Oxe Gattes in the East & Ox passture: 030-00-00
It: 1 acre & halfe of Land at Ry plaine-- 001-00-00
It: 4 acres & _ of fresh Meadow at the place called [ ] 008-00-00
It: 10 Acres of swamp Land or thereabout in the Great Swamp.-- 015-00-00
It: about 23 Acres of Land to be Layd out upon the Comon in after
deuissons. 012-00-00
It: 60 Acres of upland Lying in the bounds of Bradford 040-00-00
It: 1 pr of Fatt Oxen 12li & 1pr of working oxen: 10li 022-00-00
It: 1 pr of 3 yr old steares: 6_li_ & 1pr of 1yr old steares: 4_li_ 10-00-00
It: 1 pr yearling steares 2_li_. 10_s_ 1 heifer of 1 y old: 25_s_ 03-15-00
It: 5 cowes: 17_li_: 1 heifer of 2 yr old: 2_li_.-- 19-00-00
It: 2 calues: 01-05-00
It: 2 mares & 1 young Coult-- 03-10-0
It: 6 sheep: 2_li_. 8_s_. 0: 6 swine: & 5 pigs.-- 09-00-00
It: about 8 bushl of wheat in the barne. 002-00-0
It: about 10 bushls of Ry: in the barne.-- 002-00-0
It. about 6 bushls of barley & oats in the barne 001-06-0
It. about 55 bushls of Indian Corne upon the Ground. 08-05-0
It. an old cart, sled, harrow, 2 plows, i cheine, 2 yoaks & bolt
& shakl. 2-12-0
It. 2 old sithes. Rings for beetl & 2 wedges. 2 Tramils. spit. tongs
& sli e. 0-17-01
It. friing pan & warming pan & hoes 0-07-6

[page 2]
li s d
It: 3 old axes: a peire fettar a chafin dish & skillet frame-- 0-07-00
It: 4 brass kettles & 2 skillets-- 2 Iron potts & 2pr . pot hooks-- 3-05-00
It: 3 pailes. 3 Keelars: Traies & wooden dishes. churne & chees fatts
& trenchars-- 0-17-00
It: peuter. & 1 brass candlestick-- 2-10-00
It: earthenware & old chamber pot-- 0-04-00
It: Tables stooles & Formes & chaires & cushins-- 2-00-00
It: beding in the parlor-- 8-15-00
It: beding in the parlour chamber-- 4-15-00
It: siues: kneading trow: 2 measures & a Sickle-- 0-09-06
It: The Feather w_th_ the beding & beadstead in the roome ouer the
cellar-- 7-00-00
It: The straw-bed & beding & bed stead in the same room-- 2-05-00
It: 1 chest.-- & a chest of drawers-- 3-08-00
It: a bearing blanket. 2 pr cards. 2 glasses a spindle & pr sheers 0-11-06
It: Six barrells. sydar press & trow & buckett. 1-00-00
It: 1 bowl: 1_s_: Tow. Yarne 7_s_-- 1 firkin & 1_ ferkin-- 0-10-03
It: 1 cubboard: & tub: 0-06-06
It: 2 smale Table Clothes-- 0-02-00
on the other side--- 335-09-06
It: _ li of pine boards and nailes-- 000-03-06
It: about 140 acers of upland & 9 Acres of meadow== which his son Thomas
was possessed in his life time which was given to him by his Father
concerne which we find noe legall conveyance
The inventory of s'd estate was taken by us (as it is apprized whose names
are subscribed. this 24th. Sep_t_. 1683.
Nehemiah Jewett
Joseph Boynton
John Laighton

[page 3]
Debts due from the estate to pticuler psons. viz_t_.
li s d
To Deacon Goodhue-- 9-00-00
To Mr . Jn_o_. Wainwright-- 2-10-00
To Jn_o_. Stainford-- 1-15-00
To Deacon Knowlton-- 0-08-00
To Caleb Boynton smith-- 0-07-09
To Jn_o_. Leighton-- 0-06-06
To Jn_o_. Trumble-- 0-05-00
To Nath_l_. Rust-- 0-08-00
TO Abell Platts-- 0-10-00
To Mr . Jolliffe in mony--8_li_ 13-00-00
To Jn_o_. Pearson senr . mony 11 s 0-16-00
To Jn_o_. Pearson sen_o_. 0-08-00
TO Tho_ss_. Leaver senr . 0-04-04
TO Ezek_l_. Leighton-- 0-05-00
TO Mr . Paison-- 1-05-00
To Jn_o_. Bayley. 7_s_. 6_d_ mony-- 0-10-00
To widow Scott-- 2-00-00
To Jn_o_. Harris of Ipsw_ch_. 0-07-00
To Joseph Scott-- 1-10-00
To Edw_rd_. Dear-- 0-04-00

Hannah Hazzen Relect of Edw_d_, Hazzen The names of the Children of
& Edw_d_. Hazzen son to y_e_ s'd Hazzen: the deceased
made oath y_e_ above written y_t_ tis a Elizabeth Harris. hath Rec_d_. 29_li_. 3s
true Inventory of y_e_ estate of y_e_ sd Thomas Hazzen . hath Rec_d_. a Farme
Hazzen deceased to the best of there Edward Hazzen.
knowledge if mor . come to knowledge Iszabell: Wood. hath Rec_d_. 24.4.10
will give acct thereof-- Prissila: Pearson. hath Rec_d_. 21.14.4
Ipsw. Court 25 Sept. 83/ Ednah: Haszen
attests Jn_o_ Appleton cler. Richard: Haszen
Hephzibah: Hassen
Sarah Haszen
Hannah; Gibson deceased
(3 children liueing)
hath reciued. 15.18.0
record_d_. March 12, 1683/4 in Ipswich record in the book of wills
& Inventory fol (6) p me John Appleton recordr

[page 4] Ipswich Court. Sept : 25 : 83
Administration is by this Court granted to Hannah y_e_ Relict of Edward Hazzen
senr & to Edward Hazen y_e_ son of Edward, to y_e_ deceased Edward Hazzens estate, & it is ordered that they shall attend to such orders for y_e_ settlement of y_e_ sd: estate as this Court shall make: & that they in their administration so
proceed & act according to law. Edward Hazzen the son of Edward, and Hannah Y_e_ Relict of Edward Hazzen do stand bound to the County in the bond of 600_li_: The condition of this obligation is y_t_ they do administr . according to Law as is
above expressed-- in the administration granted--

Attestes John Appleton Cleric_s_

[on a separate sheet] li s d
Clear Estate 334: 07: 09
The same 070: 00: 00
404: 07: 09
Thirds 128: 02: 07
Rests to divide The sum of == 276: 05: 2
Estate with what the children hath received 092: 00: 2
368: 05: 4
Allowing the ten children an equall share & the eldest double portion: being
11 shares equall wee allow 33_li_-10_s_-0_d_ altho it want a smale matter in the
Paid Jn. & Iszabell Wood. 33.10.0
" Nath_l_. & Elizabeth Harris 33.10.0
" Jeremiah & Prissilla Pearson 33.10.0
Thomas Hazzen y_e_ farme. 70.00.0 ouer his share
William Gibson haveing == Rstd 15.18.8
Res_t_. short of a share 17.11.4
Edward Hazzen is administr 33.10.0
Ednah Haszen
Richard Haszen
Hephsiba Haszen
Sarah Haszen

Edward Hazen and his wife Hannah appear in the following deeds:

Peter Eyers and his wife Hannah of Haverhill convey to Edward Hazen of Rowley 6_ acres of upland, Peter Eyers' 3d division, with land abutting the Merrimack River, (date not given). Witnesses Jno. Carlton, Jno. Gryffyn. (Old Norfolk Co. Deeds, 3: 336, p. 367 in copy.)

Edward Hazen and wife Hannah of Rowley convey to John Tennie of Rowley 100 acres in the division called "Merimake land," the northwest and abutting on the Merrimack River, and 4 acres of meadow called Crane meadow: also a parcel of land granted to John Harris, John Tod, Richard Longhorne, Richard Holmes, and Edward Hassen by the town of Rowley, dated May 20,1664. Witnesses, Ezekiell Jewit, Thomas Tenny. The name is signed "Hasin." Edward acknowledged June 16,1673. (Ipswich Deeds, 4: 41.)

John Pearly and wife Mary of Newbury convey to Edward Hazen of Rowley 7 acres of upland in Rowley Village--land of Thomas Pearly, Daniel Wood, and Ezekiel Northern mentioned, (date not given in copy). Witnesses, Benjamin Rolfe, Thomas Hale. John and Mary acknowledged on Feb. 19,1684 and she resigned her right of dower to Edward Hazen's administrators. (Ibid. 5: 371.)

"Hannah ye Relict and late wife of said Edward Hason deceased & Edward Hason son of ye said Edward Hason Joynt administators" confirm to Thomas Hason land in Rowley Village where he now lives and which his father Edward before his death settled upon him as his portion-- land bought of John Pearly of Rowley Village and on Feb. 19,1684 acknowledged by him , dated May 14,1685. NO witnesses. Signed "Hannah Hazzen alias Browne." Hannah acknowledged May 19,1685, Edward Nov. 4,1685. (Ibid. 5: 371.)

Hannah Browneof Haverhill, widow and relict of Capt. George Browne. "for & in consideration of natural & christian afection which I beare unto my loving & beloved sonns Thomas & Edward w_ch_ I had by my former Husband Edward Hazen long time deceased of Rowley." conveys to them all the interest in the estate of her brother John Grant of Rowley, dec'd; March 1,1699 or 1700. Witnesses, Thomas Eaton, Senr. and Richard Saltonsall. (Essex Co. Deeds, 14: 37.)

Capt. George Browne and wife Hannah of Haverhill convey to Thomas Carlton of Bradford 76 acres laid out to her former husband Edward Hazzen of Rowley, dec'd, and her part of the estate of Edward Hazzen in Bradford---widow Smith, widow Hobson mentioned, April 3,1697. Witnesses, Abraham Perkins, Solomon Reves, Senr., Jacob Perkins, 3d. Acknowledged Dec. 3,1698. (Ibid. 30: 44,45.)

Richard Hazzen, Thomas Hazzen, Edward Hazzen, Daniel Wicom, Junr., Nathaniel Storey, children of Edward Hazzen and Hannah, now wife of Capt. George Browne, quitclaim to Thomas Carlton, April 3,1697. Witnesses, Edward Carlton, Nath. Walker, Solomon Keyes, Senr., Jacob Perkins, tertius. (Ibid. 30: 45.)

An agreement concerning some land that was their father Edward Hazen's and that after his death was laid out to his wife for her thirds, was made by Thomas Hazen of Norwich, John Wood of Bradford, Timothy Perkins of Topsfield, Edward Hazen of Boxford, Richard Hazen of Haverhill; first that Edward Hazzen is satisfied with £16 already received, one ox gate in the east end of the ox pasture, and £5 which his brothers promise to pay: secondly that the others are satisfied with a piece of marsh, called cowbridge marsh, and a piece of land called cowbridge lot, and another piece of land in Symond's new field from their mothers thirds, taking in brother Jeremy Person, brother Harris' children, brother Gibson's children, and brother Wicom's children, they having their share with the others; dated June 20,1716. Witnesses, Thomas Perley, Junr., Nathaniel Perley. (Ibid. 34: 189.)

On July 4,1678 a "Hannah Hazen" was a witness to the will of Ann Swan, relict of Richard Swan of Rowley. (Essex Co. probate files, Docket 26876.) It is highly probable that she was the wife of Edward Hazen, as his daughter Hannah was presumably married before this date.
Last Modified 30 May 1998 Created 14 Jul 1999 by Willi III (a Macintosh) & Reunion

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