Information Flyer for the
R U Car Crafters English Roadster Kit
Neither this web site nor these specific pages are associated with RUCC. I
am providing a copy of the RUCC flyer simply as an appendix to my kit build.
This flyer was copied and is presented here with the permission of RUCC. The
information within this flyer should not be used as a quote from RUCC, but
simply as general information regarding the kit - what's available and the
general magintude of their prices.
For up to date pricing or a specific price quote, please contact RUCC
directly (email RUCC, (918) 245-1512).
I do not have images for the flyer yet. They will be added as I get them.
- General Information
- Competative analysis
- Kit Pricing (please check with RUCC for current prices)
- Ala carte
RUCC currently has a Stage IV kit ready for delivery.
RAW's Home Page